Žádost Boardu PPEU o účetní doklad pro členské příspěvky

Dear Board members,

on behalf of Czech Pirate Party I kindly request an official invoice for the payment of due membership fees for 2014 and 2015 according to international (European) financial standards.

The invoice must fullfill conditions given by Czech Law on accounting „Zákon o účetnictví“ - no. 563/1991 Coll. § 11. The neccesarilly requirements are

  • a) Official label (aka „Invoice“)
  • b) Subject of the payment and cotractors including full identification of our organisations.
  • c) Due amount
  • d) Date the document was issued
  • e) Not applicable for this case
  • f) Signature of a person respnsible for the contract

Please check all the requirements, for example at http://zakony.centrum.cz/zakon-o-ucetnictvi/cast-2 Also, please check for any necessary requirements according other related laws and regulations.

Identification details for the Czech Pirate Party are: Česká pirátská strana

Řehořova 943/19

130 00 Praha 3

Czech republic

IČ: 71339698

According to the Czech Pirate Party internal regulation (PraH § 13) and applicable law (§ 6 (1) Law no. 563/1991 Coll., on accounting) all accounting transactions must be accompanied with an accounting document

According to the Czech Pirate Party internal regulation (PraH § 12) Czech Pirate Party will publish the invoice on our website.

Best regards,

Mikuláš Peksa

Deputy International Coordinator

Czech Pirate Party